
Cover of The Drowning House by Cherie Priest.

The Drowning House

THE DROWNING HOUSE rating: four stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐. When not reading THE DROWNING HOUSE (Poisoned Pen Press/Sourcebooks, July 23, 2024), I felt myself being lured back onto the island setting, almost as if it were a waking dream. Cherie Priest has a way of creating an atmosphere that carves out permanent space in your consciousness. I […]

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Image has cover of starlings, keys, yellow flowers, and keys in a circular flurry. Text says "New York Times Bestselling Author Alix E. Harrow STARLING HOUSE." Text of cover blurb says "'Alix E. Harrow is an exceptional, undeniable talent.'Olivie Blake, New York Times Bestselling Author of THE ATLAS SIX."

Starling House

STARLING HOUSE rating: 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. Like Alix E. Harrow‘s other heroines, orphan Opal is a savvy, strong-willed girl. She’s a Kentuckian, so she’s also willing to bend (or break) rules or face down any danger in order to fight for her kin. STARLING HOUSE (Tor/Macmillan, October 3, 2023) is a flipped fairy tale like

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