This is the beginning of my dream book blog. Modern, and old-fashioned.
Modern, because it is fully accessible and easy to read on a smartphone.
Old-fashioned, because I am old enough to remember a different world on the World Wide Web. Websites without pop-ups. Without trackers. Without ads. Without the platform gathering information on you. Without monetization. I can promise you right now that Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon will never have a place here. If I “monetize”, ever, it will be via affiliate links to support independent booksellers. You may be tracked here by Big Tech or Big Social, but it won’t be me who’s doing the tracking.
Time for a quick Q&A!
Q: Who’s paying me right now?
A: No one, except in free books.
Q: Why am I making a blog?
A: For the love of it. I’m writing all these reviews anyway, and I want a nice place to put them so that I can share the links.
Q: Am I bearing all the cost of a website?
A: Yes I am. It’s the only way to have what you want.
Q: Am I gathering any data?
A: Absolutely none. Don’t care. Visit if you want. Don’t, if you don’t want. If you want cookies, hit up your nearest Mrs. Fields.
What I’m reading:
Two novels set in Paris. PERIL IN PARIS: A ROYAL SPYNESS MYSTERY by Rhys Bowen. Number 16 in the Her Royal Spyness series. Berkeley/Penguin Random House (release date November 9, 2022).
MASTERING THE ART OF FRENCH MURDER by Colleen Cambridge. First book in the American in Paris series. #ARC. Kensington/Penguin Random House (release date April 26, 2023). #PenguinRandomHouse #Paris #HistoricalFiction #RhysBowen #ColleenCambridge